
Jesus talked about money often because he knew we have a tendency to look to it (and what we can buy with it) to find security, control, satisfaction, acceptance, etc., though it leaves us wanting.  The gospel of Jesus meets the deepest needs of our hearts and sets us free to use money but not be enslaved by it. Giving to the work of the church is one important part of learning to be good stewards of God’s money. How we spend money reveals a lot about what we believe.

God doesn’t need your money.  “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it” (Psalm 24:1) – it’s all his anyway.

Giving is not God’s way of raising money, it’s his way of raising his children.

Through our secure online giving, you can:

  • set up automatic recurring giving
  • give quickly with no registration required if you prefer
  • use debit or credit (Visa or MasterCard)

A few principles on how Soma stewards funds

  • As a church family we give over 10% of our income to the work of church planting in the region and around the world
  • We've been preparing for multiplication from Day One – we set aside funds every month for the next church to be planted out of our family.
  • We live off of last month’s income, not “paycheck” to “paycheck.”
  • We evaluate every expense in light of the mission Jesus gave us to make disciples

Questions? Ask your Missional Community leader or one of the elders for details about the church budget or for help with your own budget. We don’t let money be a touchy subject in our family, that’s not how Jesus rolled.